Union Day School is proud to offer our students an evidenced based, award winning curriculum that focuses on authentic learning for mastery and understanding. Our curriculum incorporates student voice and choice, fosters curiosity and in-depth exploration that allows students to learn at a high level.
Here are some of the essential components:
Singapore Math® produces an understanding through activities that progress from concrete (manipulatives) to pictorial (visuals) and finally to abstract (symbolic). Singapore math teaches for mastery, contains built-in differentiation, and mental math is nested in the program. It encourages students to apply and deepen their understanding as they move through more complex problems. Singapore Math consistently ranks at the top in international math testing. What is Singapore Math?
Inquiry-Based Science is student-structured instruction where students are active participants in the learning process. Inquiry builds on learning, helps develop a deeper understanding of content, and teaching and learning are for understanding and not memorization. Students have time to collaborate and devise procedures to solve problems, explore, and play while the teacher facilities and guides the process.
Handwriting Without Tears® is comprehensive and multi-sensory handwriting and cursive instruction that is developmentally sequential, multisensory instruction with review and mastery.

International Baccalaureate® (IB) Middle Years Programme- is for students ages 11-16. Students in IB outperform non-IB students in post secondary education, IB aligns with best practices in education, IB students possess the knowledge and skills for success in advanced classes. Click here for more information on International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP).