Introduction & Notes
In the interest of student safety, we have constructed a revamped carline dropoff and pickup procedure. A team of UDS staff and family members developed this plan, and we believe it is the speediest way to load and unload students while also keeping them as safe as possible.
That being said, we know that it will be slower initially than methods used in the past. We believe the increased safety is more than worth the tradeoff.
Please be patient with us (and each other) as we all learn the best ways to implement this process together. It is likely that there will be significant delays during the first week or two of school as families become comfortable with the process. If you are a returning family, I would ask that you arrive at campus at 3:30 so that we have time to clear the lanes during the first round of dismissal.
It is going to work well, especially once all families are comfortable and familiar with the process. Take time to review the instructions below so that you are as prepared as possible for our carline.
Morning Drop Off
Drive around the building and wait for staff to call you forward onto the lot.
The outermost and innermost lanes are left empty intentionally - please do not use these lanes unless there is an emergency
Vehicles will be brought forward into all lanes at this time. Note that there is a lane shift to the right. Again, the lane closest to the building is left empty as a buffer zone.
Lane A will unload their vehicles and depart.
Once lane A is empty, Lane B will unload their vehicles and depart.
Once lane B is empty, Lane C will unload their vehicles and depart.
Once lane C is empty, Lane D will unload their vehicles and depart.
Lane D will only be opened in cases of excessive traffic.

Afternoon Pickup
Drive into one of the three lanes to the right when you enter campus. Stay in this lane the entire time you are in carpool.
The outermost lane is left empty intentionally - please do not use it unless there is an emergency
Follow your lane around the building and wait for staff to check you in.
Vehicles will be brought forward into all lanes at this time. Note that there is a lane shift to the right. The lane closest to the building is left empty as a buffer zone.
Lane A will load their vehicles and depart.
Once lane A is empty, Lane B will load their vehicles and depart.
Once lane B is empty, Lane C will load their vehicles and depart.
Once lane C is empty, Lane D will load their vehicles and depart.
Lane D will only be opened in cases of excessive traffic.
Once the lot is completely empty, new cars will be brought forward into each lane. These steps will repeat until all students are sent home.
At no time should cars be moving while students are on the lot. Staff will wave you forward when it is time for your lane to depart.
Please be patient and remember that this process has been developed with safety first, speed second.