Parent Resources
Effective communication with our parents and guardians is an essential part of the Union Day School philosophy of education. Resources for current parents and guardians can be found on this page, including downloadable forms, school policies, information about UDS programs and services, supply lists and summer project directions.
Learning Resources for Gryphon Families (click here)
UDS Parent Teacher Organization
The Union Day Parent Teacher Organization’s mission is to foster a positive and productive relationship between parents, teachers and students by connecting opportunities within the home, school and community.
Please click here to learn more and to become part of the Parent Teacher Organization.
After School Enrichment Programs
UDS offers various after school enrichment programs to all students. Most enrichment programs run for 6 weeks and meet twice weekly on campus after school. Please click here to learn more about UDS After School Enrichment Programs.
Before and After School Care
Union Day School provides Before (BSC) and After (ASC) School Care for enrolled students. Please click here for access to BSC and ASC program information and enrollment.
Rock Painting
Please refer to My Store in Infinite Campus.
UDS Spiritwear
Please visit this link.
School Lunch Program
Schoolhouse Fare partners with your school to provide a secure, fast, and easy-to-use online ordering system that allows you to order from a variety of nutritious lunch menus – all transfat free and fresh made-to-order.
You can order, pay and manage your student lunches on the web.
Go To: HTTPS://orders.schoolhousefare.com - (please bookmark this page)
Please click here to find grade-level Supply Lists and click here for Summer Reading and Projects for the school year.
School Volunteer Policy
If you would like to be a volunteer at UDS, you must undergo a background check. Background checks currently cost $29 and are done at the expense of the volunteer. Please call Employment Screening, Inc. at (704) 504-0928 and tell them that you would like to be an APPROVED VOLUNTEER for Union Day School. Please note that your volunteer status is good for the two school years. Once you receive your background check back, please provide a copy to business office at business@uniondayschool.com. The business office will notify you of your volunteer status. If you have any questions, please contact the school’s main office at 704-256-1494.
Volunteers must enter the building through the front doors and check in with the front office.
Volunteers should then go directly to the classroom or area in which they are helping during their designated volunteer time.
Volunteers are not permitted to visit their children in classrooms unless they are volunteering in that classroom or have cleared the visit with the classroom teacher.
Volunteers may not remove their children from a classroom for any reason without going through our front office and following student dismissal procedures.
Volunteers must agree to not disturb any classroom instruction during their time in the building and leave immediately after their time is completed.
Field Trip Chaperone Policy
All field trip chaperones need to be approved volunteers AND be approved to attend the field trip by the classroom teacher. Parents are not permitted to “show up” to a field trip without BOTH of these approvals. This is for the safety of our students.
Visitor Policy
All visitors are required to present their driver’s license at the front desk for any school visits. Please report to the front desk immediately upon entering the campus. Sign in at the front desk upon entering the school, provide your anticipated time of departure, and sign out when departing. Any visitors who intend to leave the front lobby will need a security badge provided by reception. The same policy holds true for the Kindergarten building. Thank you for helping keep our Gryphons safe! Unauthorized persons will be reported to the Union County Sheriff’s Office.
We will be using the Visitor Aware system. We will use the system for all visitors coming into the school, require checkout with the system, signing in and out your child as well as check ins for grade events and volunteers.
Visitor Aware is a newly developed visitor system and we will be the first school in North Carolina to implement this technology. The system was developed specifically for schools. We have entered into a partnership with the developer to collaborate and further develop the system to handle all aspects of visitors in schools and we hope to be able to share our knowledge with other schools in North Carolina and across the country.
Health Services
All parents or guardians are required to submit their Student Critical Information forms within the first week of school. Please click here to access the Critical Information Form, as well as other medical documents and information.
Parent FAQs
Visit our FAQs page here: FAQs.
Forms of Note
Here are a few additional forms which may be of benefit to you.