Kindergarten Curriculum
Reading and Writing
Recognize all upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Recognize all letter sounds
Identify consonants and vowels
Long and short vowel sounds
Identify and spell CVC words
Recognize word families
Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs
Word Order
Character Identification
Identify Beginning/Middle/End of a story
Problem and Solution
Cause and Effect
Sequence Events
Identify different types of text
Compare and Contrast
Main idea and details
Making connections: text to text, text to self and text to world
Making predictions
Visualize stories without frequent picture clues (chapter book read alouds)
Uses strategies to identify unfamiliar words
Writing: Kindergarten uses Handwriting without Tears® to focus on the multi-sensory aspects of proper letter formation and pincer grip, creating a strong foundation for the ongoing development of writing skills
Handwriting without Tears® program
Label important aspects of a drawing
Blends sounds to create words
Uses a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to compose opinion, narrative and informational pieces
Add details to strengthen illustrations as needed
Uses realistic colors to demonstrate characters and setting
Add details to strengthen illustrations as needed
Punctuation and grammar (capital letters, periods, question marks, exclamation points
Uses sight word knowledge to compose sentences
Writes appropriately on lines
Differences between fiction and nonfiction writing
Presents writing with peers
Counting to 100 by ones and tens
One to one correspondence
Number Formation 1-20
Representing numbers in a variety of ways (tens frame, tally marks, base 10, and pictures)
Sorting objects by similarities and differences
One more, one less
Greater than, Less than
Addition and subtraction
Word Problems
Applications to Real Life Situations
Collecting and organizing Data
Measurement (Height, Length, Weight, Big/Small, and Heavy/Light)
Geometry (2D and 3D shapes)
Problem Solving
Mental Math
Place Value (tens and ones)
Number Bonds
Positional Words
Social Studies
Now and Then (with a focus on the Mayflower Voyage, Pilgrims, the First Thanksgiving and Native Americans)
Holidays Around the World
Living and Nonliving things
Force and Motion