Third Grade Curriculum
Reading and Writing​
Handwriting Without Tears®: Cursive Writing
Reading / Literature
Classify and categorize
Cause and effect
Drawing conclusions
Making inferences
Compare and contrast
Identify main ideas and supporting details
Author’s purpose
Point of view
Identification of story elements
Make connections between stories
Genres: fiction, fantasy, biographies, historical fiction, non-fiction, myths, legends, fables, poetry
Reading fluency and expression
Continued review and application of mechanics (DLI - Daily Language Instruction)
Approaches to writing (shared interactive, guided, timed, writing to prompts) Identify audience and purpose
Personal voice, writer’s viewpoint
Organizing information
Effective sentences (opening, closing, combining sentences, sentence variety)
Elaboration (reasons and details, developing ideas, staying on the topic)
Paragraphing (topic sentence and details)
Word choice (vivid words, sensory details, description, figurative language)
Analyze published models
Writing process
Descriptive writing
Narrative writing
Writing a friendly letter
Persuasive writing
Informative / expository writing
Singapore Math®
Numbers up to 10,000
Place Value, Number Sequence
Mental Math Strategies
Addition and Subtraction up to 10,000
Using Bar Models: Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication - multiplication properties, using array model, area model, number line
Division- making equal groups
Understanding the relationship between multiplication and division.
Mental multiplication
Mental division
Measurement- using bar model to solve measurement problems
Bar graphs with scales- Reading and interpreting bar graphs
Line plots
Fractions- Equivalent Fractions, comparing fractions
Customary Length, Weight, and Capacity
Time and Temperature
Two-dimensional shapes- Angles, Lines
Polygons, Congruent Figures, Symmetry
Area and Perimeter- Square units
Social Studies
How events, people, and ideas influence local and regional communities
Utilizing historical thinking skills to understand context of events, people, and places
Geography and Environmental Literacy
Economics and Financial Literacy
Civics and Government
Cultural Diversity
Force and Motion: inferring change, comparing relative speed, Earth’s gravity
Matter: Properties and Change
Energy: Conservation and Transfer
Earth in the Universe
Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes
Structures of Functions of Living Organisms
Ecosystems: Understanding how plants survive in their environment