First Grade Curriculum
Reading and Writing​
Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears® program
Grammar/Usage/Mechanics: verbs, adjectives, nouns (singular, plural, possessive), pronouns, possessive pronouns, capitalization, punctuation (end punctuation, commas in a series, contractions, suffixes, compound words, contractions, plurals, parts of a sentence, spelling
Composition: complete sentences, order words, labels, narrative stories, details to pictures and words, nonfiction writing, teaching true facts about certain topics, adding text features such as diagrams, captions, glossaries, table of contents, poetry, descriptive language, sensory language, opinion pieces, introduce a topic, provide an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, provide a sense of closure
Public Speaking: present topics and information to teach others, present projects
High frequency words
Phonics: Letterland- consonants, short/long vowels, digraphs, beginning and ending blends, vowel pairs
Comprehension skills: reality/fantasy, compare/contrast, summarize, draw conclusions, classify and categorize, main idea and details, cause and effect, sequencing and making inferences
Comprehension Strategies: predict, make connections, visualize, monitor and clarify, ask questions, stop and jot
Singapore Math®
Numeration: counting, addition, and subtraction
Graphs – read, interpret, create
Word Problems
Applications to Real Life Situations
Collecting and organizing Data
Time (to the hour and ½ hour)
Fractions (½ and ¼)
Using Numbers to 120
Problem Solving
Mental Math
Place Value
Fact Families
Social Studies
Countries around the world
Global holidays and traditions
Civics and Governance
Black History Month
Soil and Rocks
Forces and Motion
Life Science