Fifth Grade Curriculum
Reading and Writing​
Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text
Summarize different genres within both literature and informational text
Compare and contrast characters in different genres
Novel Study- Students participate in a novel study that incorporates lessons and ideas directly related to Social Studies while applying literary skills (Character, Impact of setting, Plot, etc.)
Analyze multiple texts and media to determine points of views and information throughout genres
Recognize how information is organized within multiple text structures and genres
Create opinion pieces using real world experiences
Use science lessons to create an informational/explanatory piece to convey experiments and findings
Create a personal and academic based narrative to convey skills that were taught within literature lessons (short story, life story etc)
Using different forms of media, students create research projects to convey interdisciplinary skills
Students will engage in the writing process through prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing based off of skills learned in their DLI
Exploration of the traits of writing to include ideas, organization, word choice, conventions, voice, sentence fluency and presentation, in a variety of experiences for a range of audiences
Grammar - Daily Language Instruction
Grammar: punctuation, capitalization, complete sentences, types of sentences, parts of speech, plurals, possessives, present, past and future tense, comparisons, prepositional phrases and conjunctions
Sentence Structure
Figurative language
Math In Focus®-Singapore Math®
Whole numbers: Students will investigate graphing, place value, arithmetic laws, adding and subtracting, order of operations
Multiplication and Division
Decimals: Students will investigate place value, compare and order, multiplying and dividing and rounding
Function Rules: Students will investigate function machines and rules, negative numbers, and integers
Fractions: Students will investigate equivalent fractions, same denominators, comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, mixed numbers and improper fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, mixed numbers, and improper fractions
Geometry: Students will investigate angles, triangles, congruence and similarity, perpendicular and parallel lines, quadrilaterals, parallelograms, circumference, area, rotation, translation, reflections, and symmetry
Measurement: Students will investigate length, weight, volume, capacity and time
Solve problems using the ‘7 Steps’ ( Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, model with mathematics, use appropriate tools strategically, attend to precision, look for and make use of structure, look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning)
Social Studies
Analyze the chronology of key events in the United States while understanding the role of prominent figures and how they shaped the United States by analyzing, comparing, and contrasting European explorers and explorations
Recognize and understand how human activity has and continues to shape the United States.
Understand how a market economy impacts life in the United States by recognizing personal choices and how they result in benefits or consequences.
Understand and analyze the development, structure, and function of government in the United States while analyzing life in a democratic republic through the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Students will complete a summer project that incorporates social studies as well as a literary and writing component
Scientific Method and Processes
Understand the interdependence of plants and animals with their ecosystems.
Human Body: Use genetics to understand how offspring differ and compare to their parents and understand how the human body performs functions necessary for life
Earth: Study the current weather to understand weather patterns and phenomena.
Energy and force of motion- Students will create and perform a science investigation to explore friction and the effect it has on different objects. Students will recognize different forms of matter and how substances can change by heating and cooling