Second Grade Curriculum
Reading and Writing​
Handwriting- Handwriting Without Tears®, cursive
Grammar/usage/maintenance - Daily Language Instruction (DLI), spelling, capitalization, parts of speech, types of sentences, contractions
Composition- The writing process, daily journaling, descriptive writing, persuasive writing, research papers,
Public speaking- oral presentations, research, book reports, current events, morning meetings
Phonemic awareness- prefixes, suffixes, compound words, possessives, homophones, diphthongs, blends,
Comprehension- sequence of events, cause and effect, compare and contrast, main idea, inference, characters
Genre- realistic fiction, non-fiction, biography, folktales, poetry, fiction, fantasy
Singapore Math in Focus® curriculum
Adding with(out) regrouping
Adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers
Subtracting with(out) regrouping
Place value
Fact families
Number strategies
Multiplication 2, 5,10
Division introduction by groups
Graphing and data
Word problems
Bar graph models
Mass and volume
Social Studies
Continents and oceans
Map skills
Fundamental Human needs
Famous people
Global communities
Timelines of history
Life cycles of plants, animals and people
Force and motion
Echolocation and sound
Properties of matter
Animals and habitats classification and taxonomy