2024-25 Back to School Information
Students are invited to meet their teacher on August 22.
Rising 6th grade - 10a-11a
Rising 7th grade - 11a-12p
Rising 8th grade- 12p-1p
Rising 9th - 11th grades - 1p-2p
Lower School 4p-6p
NOTE - Kindergarten meet the teacher will be held August 29 from 4p-5p
Dress Code
The first 20 days of school are critical for funding. Union Day’s yearly funding is calculated on the students in attendance the first twenty days of instruction. We cannot receive the maximum funding without all students in attendance during this crucial period. Please make every effort to send your student(s) to school the first twenty days.
Arrival and Dismissal
Regular Morning Carpool: 7:35-8:00 am — The faculty and staff assisting with morning drop off will indicate when students can begin exiting their cars
If you arrive after 8 am, please park and walk your child into the front lobby. Students must be signed in on the tardy sheet in the reception lobby for the purpose of your child’s attendance record. If applicable, please hand any medical/dentist notes to front reception.
Regular Afternoon Car Rider —Students are dismissed to their cars and buses beginning at 3:30pm.
Union Day School provides Before (BSC) and After (ASC) School Care for enrolled students. BSC and ASC are paid for in advance of the week the payments apply to. Please visit the UDS Shop to sign up and pay for BSC and/or ASC. For more information about BSC and ASC, please click here.
UDS offers various after school enrichment programs to all students. Most enrichment programs run for 4-8 weeks and meet once or twice a week on campus after school. Some enrichment programs are organized by grade level, with a K-2nd grade group, a 3-5th grade group, and a middle school group. UDS enrichment programs offer athletic, academic, and creative options to choose from. Some examples of past enrichment programs include Chess Club, Kids Yoga, Tennis, Zumba, Basketball, Boys Let Me Run, Girls On the Run, Atomz Lab, and many more! The exact enrichment programs, and their cost, will be announced closure to the enrichment enrollment period.​
Mandatory Medical Form
North Carolina requires a health assessment transmittal form be submitted by all students entering kindergarten or a NC public school for the first time. Immunization records and health assessment forms, along with more health services and requirements can be found here.
Hot Lunch
Schoolhouse Fare partners with your school to provide a secure, fast, and easy-to-use online ordering system that allows you to order from a variety of nutritious lunch menus – all trans-fat free and fresh made-to-order.
You can order, pay and manage your student lunches on the web.
Go To: HTTPS://orders.schoolhousefare.com - (please bookmark this page)
Helpful Links
• Parent Resources (including student handbooks)
• Health Services and Mandatory Medical Forms